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The Tesla of Accounting: How weConnect is Innovating the Back Office Industry

weConnect started with a mission to do things differently. To deliver back office solutions, such as accounting services, in a way that defies the outdated and ineffective practices of the industry. And to provide clients with an incredible experience never thought possible. When we were thinking about how to explain how we are innovating our industry, we noticed similarities between our values and some of the most innovative companies in the world like Tesla, Amazon, and Apple. Here is a list of what we believe are the key aspects of innovative companies and how weConnect embodies these qualities.

Here are the qualities shared by innovative companies

1. Innovative companies attract the best talent with an inspiring mission 

A high salary alone does not attract and retain top talent these days. People who are the best within an industry are looking for opportunities to be part of something bigger than themselves. Joining an organization that has an inspiring mission is something that talented people want to experience and contribute to.

2. Innovative companies are focused on the Customer Experience

In order to provide the best experience for the customer, you can’t have any assumptions about how things “should” be done. It’s important to look at a problem from a clean slate without preconceived notions about how to resolve it. Then, set goals and develop solutions that make the most sense for customers, even if they’ve never been implemented before. 

3. Innovative companies have a high degree of vertical integration

Maximizing the customer’s experience requires being in control of everything that affects the end product or service. This requires a high degree of vertical integration, which is where a company owns and controls each part of the supply chain or service procedures. Innovative companies use vertical integration to ensure that they are achieving their goals of providing the best quality for customers at each stage of the product or solution development.

Here’s how weConnect embodies each of these qualities for innovation

1. We ensure that all of our team members are aligned with our ambitious mission

Our mission at weConnect is to create the first truly global accounting, payroll, and tax solution. This means one completely consistent solution across every country. One team, one point of contact, one system, one standard reporting format, and one commercial experience, for the world. 

From day one, we have been committed to inviting only the most talented individuals who are inspired by and united in this mission to join our global organization.

2. We are focused on the Customer Experience

Finding the most innovative solutions means looking at each problem from a clean slate. Traditional ways of thinking can create preconceived notions of how to approach problems, and this can get in the way of designing effective solutions. At weConnect, we have tossed out all traditional industry assumptions and are building our global solution from the ground up with the customer experience being our top priority.

3. We have a high degree of vertical integration

Most global back office providers are not vertically integrated. They are associations or networks (including the Big Four accounting firms) which means each office operates independently in each country. So what you are getting is a global brand, not a global solution

With these global providers, you’ll wind up working with different teams in each country that don’t communicate with each other. You’ll have too many lines of communication for the day-to-day work. You’ll have to compromise by using their local software, which means you’ll have different accounting systems in each location. And you’ll receive different proposal formats, different pricing structures, different terms, and different contracts for each country you need support in.

But at weConnect, we have a high degree of vertical integration, which means we’ve centralized our operation. It’s supported by our top technical experts in each country so that we can deliver one consistent, global solution as one team.

This means you’ll have the same team of experts working on your back office for all of your office locations. You’ll have a named single point of contact with the experience and ability to discuss any point about any country at any time. You’ll choose your accounting system. And you’ll have one consistent sales experience, enjoying one proposal format, one pricing structure, one set of terms, and one contract for all country locations.

(To learn more about our unique solutions model called “ONE”, click here)

The future of the back office industry is weConnect

Want to work with a company that has your best interests in mind? Contact us here, we’re happy to help!




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