Employer of Record (PEO) | Entity | |
Hiring Speed | Fast (typically 2 weeks) |
Slow (depends on the country, 1 to 6 months) |
Can invoice clients locally | No | Yes |
Local Brand Strength | Low | High |
Market Commitment | Very Low | High |
Recruiting top talent is | Hard | Easy |
Cost | Low to Extremely High (Depends on Number of Employees) |
Medium |
Compliance Burden | Low | Medium to High (depending on country) |
Open a local bank account | Low | Yes |
Control over your employees | Less Control | More Control |
Control over Your Local business | Low | High |
Depending on your business goals, one of these options may make more sense than the other. To explore your goals and which option may fit, get in touch with us today.
Discuss the pros and cons of Employer of Record
vs. Entity with Derek Begue, weConnect’s USA Director
vs. Entity with Derek Begue, weConnect’s USA Director
Meet Derek, weConnect’s USA Director