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Required Initial Tax Filings for a New Japanese Business

The initial tax filings in Japan include:

Notification of Corporation Establishment

This notification form must be submitted if a new company is established in Japan.

Application for Blue Form Tax Return

Applying for a Blue form tax return will provide your business with various benefits such as the ability to carry forward losses.

Application for Filing Extension

Filing deadline for the corporate tax return can be extended by one month with this application.

Please note that both tax return filing due date and tax payment due date for consumption tax purposes are still within two months after the end of the fiscal year, even if the taxpayer has been approved for the extension.

Notification of Establishment of a Salary-Paying Office

This filing is to notify when a newly established office in Japan plans to pay salaries. When a company is newly established, it is usually submitted together with the application for withholding income tax payment due dates.

Application for Reducing the Number of Annual Withholding Tax Payments

Withholding tax payments should be made once a month. However, for small businesses with fewer than 10 employees, this can be reduced to twice a year by filing this application.

Key Takeaways

Let weConnect help ensure the correct and most strategic filings with the tax office are submitted on time.




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